Registration will begin during the first week of school and forms will be sent home AFTER school begins.
Classes will be VERY limited in size and are on a first come, first serve basis. So, please make plans now to keep an eye out for the forms to secure your child’s spot.

DRAMA IS NOW FULL!!! Any registration forms received moving forward will be placed on a wait list. Please consider our other classes listed below!! But submit your registration forms because other classes are also filling up.
Are you interested in acting? Do you love costumes? Is singing your passion? Do you want to be a part of an amazing and classic musical? This year, we are excited to produce Willy Wonka Kids, a musical production at CES. Director: Mr. Schwab / Producer: Mr. Weiskind. Brought to you by the CES PTA and The Enrichment Zone, LLC The number of students will be capped. Accordingly, registration is VERY LIMITED to a first come, first serve basis. Important Information:
Where: Clarksville Elementary School
When: 14 sessions – Mondays – 9/27, 10/04, 10/14, 10/18, 10/25, 11/01, 11/08, 11/15 11/29, 12/02 (Thursday)Other dates: 12/06, 12/07 (4:00-6:30), 12/08, 12/09 (6:00-9:00)Time: 4:05-6:00 (2 hours) on Monday sessions
Who: Grades 2-5
Why: To have fun!
Cost: $215
Deadline: 4pm – Wednesday, September 22rd – NO EXCEPTIONS

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!!! Engineering Your Own Car
Car Engineering IS NOW FULL!!! Any registration forms received moving forward will be placed on a wait list. Please consider our other classes listed below!! But submit your registration forms because other classes are also filling up.
Do you want to build your own race cars? Have you ever wondered why different kinds of race cars are shaped the way they are? How does wind resistance and friction affect speed? Do you want to race different models of cars, including drag racers and bottle racers? Here’s your chance! Participants will learn about the different factors affecting the motion of an automobile by designing, building, and racing their own miniature cars. So, grab your racing gear and get ready to speed away!*All materials are included in the class fee. *Students will get to keep several racing models. Instructor: Mr. WeiskindBrought to you by the CES PTA and The Enrichment Zone, LLCThe number of students will be capped. Accordingly, registration is VERY LIMITED to a first come, first serve basis. Important Information:
Where: Clarksville Elementary School
When: Thursdays: 9/30, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/11, 11/18Time: 4:05-5:00
Who: Grades 2-5
Why: To have fun!
Cost: $150 – includes the cost of supplies
Deadline: 4pm – Wednesday, September 22rd – NO EXCEPTIONS
A parent volunteer is needed for the class to take place** free tuition for one child of volunteer for all 6 sessions**

Cool Crafts is NOW FULL!!! Any registration forms received moving forward will be placed on a wait list. Please consider our other classes and submit your registration forms because other classes are also filling up.
Cool Crafts
Students will have fun making arts and crafts using a variety of materials.Instructor: Mrs. Stone and Ms. Koroleva. Brought to you by the CES PTA and The Enrichment Zone, LLC
The number of students will be capped. Accordingly, registration is VERY LIMITED to a first come, first serve basis. Important Information:
Where: Clarksville Elementary School
When: Wednesdays-Sept 29, Oct 6, Oct 13, Oct 20, Oct 27, Nov 3
Time: 4:05-5:00
Who: Grade K-5
Cost: $150
Deadline: 4pm – Wednesday, September 22rd – NO EXCEPTIONS

Cardboard Arcade
Students will create a variety of arcade games made from cardboard and other recyclable materials. The last class we will have an “Arcade Day” and play our arcade game creations. Instructor: Mrs. Stone and Ms. KorolevaBrought to you by the CES PTA and The Enrichment Zone, LLCThe number of students will be capped. Accordingly, registration is VERY LIMITED to a first come, first serve basis.
Important Information:
Where: Clarksville Elementary School
When: Tuesdays-Sept 28, Oct 5, Oct 12, Oct 19, Oct 26, Nov 2
Time: 4:05-5:00
Who: Grade 2-5
Cost: $150
Deadline: 4pm – Wednesday, September 22rd – NO EXCEPTIONS
Math World – Math Olympiads

Do you love brain-teasers? Do you enjoy math challenges? Are you an “out-of-the-box” thinker who is motivated? If you love math, building, math games, & contests, make sure to sign up for the Math Olympiad enrichment program, an opportunity to compete in mathematics with your peers for the top trophy. We will focus on flexibility in problem-solving, intuition, and strategies for approaching math challenges. This class will foster effective approaches to creative problem-solving based on the teachings of George Lenchner.
Important Information:
Where: Clarksville Elementary School
When: Wednesdays (15 sessions): 11/3, 11/10, 11/17, 12/1, 12/15, 12/22, 1/5, 1/12, 1/19, 2/2, 2/9, 2/16, 3/2, 3/9, 3/23
Time: 4:05-5:00
Who: Grade 4-5
Cost: $295 Includes enrollment in the MOEMS contest
Deadline: 4pm – Wednesday, September 22rd – NO EXCEPTIONS
A parent volunteer is needed for the class to take place ** free tuition for one child of volunteer for all sessions**