Happy first week of the school year. The PTA hopes you and your children are off to a great start. The PTA collects membership to fund additional educational and enrichment programs WITHOUT fundraisers like selling wrapping paper or candy bars. Please help your kids by getting your membership here.
5th grade parents: Looking forward to your child’s last year of elementary school? Me neither, not without crying. But at least the kids will have fun this year. This link is how to fund their fun year.
Your kids should have come home with after-school registration forms today. If they left them at school, or just didn’t get them, not to worry!! Here are all the descriptions and membership forms! Don’t forget to check out the county’s offerings, too!
Your executive committee is thrilled to work with you this year. Our first meeting is September 10th! 7PM in the media center.
Most of the meetings will be the second Tuesday of the month. The next meeting is October 8th.