Parents can purchase yearbooks starting today – April 28, 2032.
Students will bring home Yearbook flyers today explaining how to purchase your 2022 – 2023 CES Yearbook.
This year, Individual Yearbooks can be purchased through Classic Photography for $23.00.
Individual Yearbook $23.00
Payment: Classic Photography Online: see attached flyer.
As in previous years, we will also be offering a Special Message option that parents can purchase directly through Clarksville Elementary School.
This is an additional add on fee paid to CES.
Payment: Message Options will be directly through CES.
We encourage all parents to pay online using our OSP system (there is a small fee for processing). Paying online makes it easier on both the parents and the teacher. If you pay online PLEASE be sure to include your students name and select the correct amount. We kindly ask that you DO NOT SEND IN CASH.
We encourage you to complete Messages on website: 2023cesyearbook@gmail.com
Option 2: 5th Grade only: Special message and picture $5.00 (additional add on fee paid to CES)
5th grader only: you may include ONE photo with your message (e.g., baby photo, family photo). Send your photo and complete message to 2023cesyearbook@gmail.com by April 8, 2023. Only ONE photo message per 5th grader. The yearbook staff reserves the right to exclude or substitute photos and/or messages that are not received by the deadline.
Order your CES Yearbook today!