CES parents,
Please consider volunteering to help us run a successful holiday shop again this year. The holiday shop will be open for students on Wednesday, December 4th through Friday, December 6th, during recess hours. The entire family can also shop during the Hot Cocoa Social on Friday, December 6th!!
Here is list of days and times your child’s class will be attending the Reindeer Lane Gift Shop.
Time | Grade | Wednesday(Dec 4) | Thursday(Dec 5) | Friday(Dec 6) |
11:15 – 11:45 | K | Hunter | RaffaelKinner (A-L*) | PrinzKinner (M-Z*) |
11:45 – 12:15 | 1st and 2nd | MillerNapolitano | LaneSuknovaMoore (A-L*) | CorbinThiererMoore (M-Z*) |
12:15 – 12:45 | 5th | HarveyMorstein (A-L*) | Watkins | FiegelMorstein (M-Z*) |
12:45 – 1:15 | 3rd | Becker | Higdon | Gordon |
1:15 – 1:45 | 4th | RomsaasStone (A-L*) | RabinowitzStone (A-L*) | 4th gradeField trip |
* – (A-L) and (M-Z) are the Last Names of the Students
Bring a friend, grandparents, your neighbor and come enjoy the kick off to the holiday season! Please signup here for as many slots as you’d like: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0E4EA9A623A2F49-holiday
Also, don’t forget to attend the Hot Cocoa Social on December 6
Thank you,
Leigh Hart
Reindeer Lane Gift Shop Chair