Dear CES Families,
The Clarksville Elementary PTA recently learned about a program in Howard County called Blessings in a Backpack. This program provides food over the weekend and days off to children in our county who might otherwise go hungry. The program is currently looking for over $20,000 in funding and our PTA would like to help and have a little competitive fun while doing it.
Starting October 28th, the PTA is excited to announce a partnership to provide a digital reading challenge to our community called, Read for My School. Fast to setup and easy to use across any mobile device, Read for My School provides parents and students a fun and engaging way to share their love of reading while understanding the importance of giving back.
Through your community support, we would like parents to read with their children and/or have their children read to themselves. Please track their progress on the Read for My School web page. We would also love parents to share our reading challenge as well as their child’s reading achievements with friends and family to generate pledge donation support.
Your support will make our school reading challenge a success AND help neighboring children.
Here’s what you need to do:
- You should be receiving an email from your grade team lead. Follow the links, create an account and share your page with friends and family.
- OR Go to and select sign up as a student. Then, please insert your team invite code listed below.
- Kindergarten: 2618B
- 1st Grade: EB508
- 2nd Grade: 81E37
- 3rd Grade: 4B2B2
- 4th Grade: 7B51B
- 5th Grade: DEA35
- OR Go to and select sign up as a student. Then, please insert your team invite code listed below.
If you have multiple children participating, create the account for one. Then click on MANAGE MY PROFILES and add another reader to the existing account.
- Each time your child reads, record the minutes. Each time your child finishes a book, record the book. This can be done directly on your child’s personal web page.
- The program will run for 2 weeks and end on November 10th.
As a small incentive, we will be offering the grade with the most minutes read a switch day. In addition, the child with the most books read and the child with most minutes spent reading will also get a small reward.
We are extremely excited to share this opportunity and look forward to working with you in support of our greater community. If you do not wish to participate in the program but would still like to contribute to the Blessings in Backpack through our school, we have set up a donation page on our website. We will add this amount to the total donated to the Blessings in a Backpack program.
Clarksville Elementary School PTA