Clarksville Elementary School
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Online Code: clarksville23
(800)869-9515 x112
Clarksville Elementary School
Skip the Order Form!
Online Code: clarksville23
(800)869-9515 x112
Registration forms are going home with students today! Space is limited to first come, first serve! Learn more about the Fall offerings and download registration forms today!
CES Orientation and Open House
Friday, August 25th – Kindergarten and New Student Orientation
Friday, August 25th – Grades 1-5 Open House
Friday, August 25th – ALS Orientation
School Starts for Students
Monday, August 28th – 1st Day of School for Students
Labor Day Holiday
Monday, September 4th – Schools and Offices Closed: Labor Day
Back to School Nights
Tuesday, September 12th – Grades K, 1st, 2nd
Wednesday, September 13th – Grades 3rd, 4th and 5th
Wednesday, September 13th – GT Session
Clarksville Elementary will be having it’s annual Field Day on Thursday, May 25, 2023.
Field Day is an annual culminating activity of our year, allowing students to use a variety of physical education skills, while promoting good sportsmanship and fair play. We will need plenty of volunteers to make this day a success for the children. Volunteers will be responsible for leading activities for the students in pairs and small groups (directions provided). There will be a variety of activities outside and inside.
If you are able to volunteer (grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other family members are welcome to volunteer, too), we will appreciate your help!
Sign up is also available online at
Your support is appreciated!
The Nominating Committee has met and presents the following Board of Director slate for action at the PTA’s General Meeting on May 16 at 7 pm:
President: Eileen Brewer
1st Vice President: Casey Christensen
2nd Vice President: Cathy Mauriello
Treasurer: Meghan Nickerson
Recording Secretary: Tom Christensen
Dear Clarksville Families,
The PTA Spring Fling Committee has been monitoring the weather for our event this weekend and we have determined that due to the promise of rain on Friday, threat of storms on Saturday, and the promise of mud throughout the weekend, it would be prudent to postpone our Spring Fling. We have worked with the many contractors, vendors and school to choose a new date: Sunday, June 11, 2023 from 3 – 7 pm.
We will celebrate the end of the school year with this event.
If you bought tickets for this event, we are holding onto them for you and will deliver them closer to June 11. If you signed up to volunteer, we are hopeful you will still be available to volunteer on June 11. Revised sign up geniuses will be sent.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at
As part of Spring Fling on April 29, our 5th graders are invited to be “pie-ed” by their friends and family. Pie a 5th grader is a Spring Fling Tradition where our 5th graders sign up for a 15 minute slot and their friends and family can gently “pie” their favorite 5th graders with whipped cream. Goggles are worn and plastic is used to protect clothing. Two tickets are required to participate in the “pie-ing” and no tickets are required to be “Pie-ed.
If your 5th grader is interested in being pie-ed, click here to sign up for a slot.
We do need parent helpers to assist with running the event. Click here if you are able to volunteer and/or donate supplies.
We are in need of families to host a country!
International Night is a celebration of CES’s cultural diversity! This cultural extravaganza will take place on May 25, 2023 from 6-8pm.
It is an excellent way for our children to share their culture and to learn about other countries.
• During the first part of the evening (6:00 – 7:00), families may visit each country to get a sampling of the country’s culture.
• During the second part of the evening (7:00 – 8:00), families will enjoy performances originating from the various countries on display.
If you would like to sign up to represent countries, please contact Xinran Li at or
Xin Gao at, International Night Committee.
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to represent countries! Team with your family and friends and bring the cultures you celebrate to CES!!!
Skip the order form and click the link below to pre-order before picture day:
Please Note:
Pre-ordering will close at 6am on picture day.
12041 Route 108
Clarksville, MD 21029
Telephone: 410-313-7050
Fax: 410-313-7054